Show your patriotism this 4th of July!

I recently read the transcript of Mayor (of Indian Hill) Gary Kuenning’s speech from Memorial Day and he shared a few ideas on how we can show our support for fallen soldiers and the freedom we have today based on their ultimate sacrifice.

FLY THE FLAG – The moment you display the American Flag – you send a message to your community that you are patriotic – that no matter which partisan idealism you hold as most practical or ethical, that at the end of the day, we are one nation that stands in solidarity when faced with a crisis.

ALWAYS REMEMBER – Ronald Reagan,   our 40th president, has said “Freedom is never more than one generation away from extinction”.    Ladies and gentlemen, we  owe  it  to the  next  generation to  be  sure that they understand this and also what is meant by the expression “Freedom is Not Free” and that the rights that we enjoy today were paid-for in blood by those who we remember today.

EMBRACE DIVERSITY – We are a nation of immigrants where diversity of ethnicity, color,  faith and ideas  are a source of our strength and greatness which is to be celebrated, not feared or suppressed.

VOTE – Our democracy requires participation by its citizens and voting moves us from complacency to activism.   Be a catalyst for change.   Our fallen soldiers would want this from us.

CHARITY – Imagine the lessons of charity, then go out and live them.

SERVICE – Finally, we can show our appreciation to our veterans by investing our time as volunteers.  Whether that service be to hospitals, schools, faith-based organizations, government or one of many other service organizations, there is never a shortage of need for us to serve our communities and fellow citizens.

I hope by sharing this, you now have a few fresh ideas to show thanks to our country and community.  I hope you are your family have a wonderful 4th of July and stay cool in this heat!

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