Retirement Planning

Can You Put a Date to Retirement and Be Ready?

Our goal is to help you live with less financial stress and worry in retirement. As part of our process, we help you determine how long to work and when to retire to continue your lifestyle. We analyze when and how to take money from your portfolio to replace your paycheck, with an eye on tax efficiency, spending, healthcare and social security maximization. We address the primary concern of having your money last for the rest of your life.

When You are In Retirement, Will Your Money Last?

We work closely with you to give you early guidance and realistic expectations of income streams required in the future. We advise you on the appropriate level of savings, investments, employer-sponsored retirement plans and other investment vehicles most suited to your specific situation. This includes:

Total Wealth Planning reviews all your existing retirement plans including 401(k), 403(b), 457, and deferred compensation plans and recommends how to structure your different investments. When the time comes to make retirement decisions, we will be there to help determine your best options.

The real benefit is feeling more confident you are making good life decisions that carry you through retirement. We give you an understanding of where to go from here and how to move forward.