Are You on Track to Meet Your Biggest Financial Goals?

Do you have a detailed, comprehensive strategy? Or do you have gaps in your planning?

Download Total Wealth Planning’s Financial Fitness Self Assessment today to determine how prepared you are to achieve your biggest goals and overcome life’s most threatening financial challenges.

Calculate your financial fitness score and learn the action steps you can implement to take control of your financial future.

Retirement. Risk management. Investment volatility. Estate planning. College funding. Healthcare costs. Life changes quickly. Often those changes can bring substantial financial challenges.

Do you have an integrated, comprehensive financial plan that maximizes your wealth and minimizes threats?

At Total Wealth Planning, we’ve been helping successful executives, business owners, and other professionals protect their financial future for more than 25 years. Time and time again, we’ve worked with individuals who thought they had a solid plan in place. After careful analysis, it turned out that their plan had some pretty wide gaps.

Our Financial Fitness Self Assessment will help you gauge your financial planning and determine whether you’re missing opportunities or risks. The assessment only takes a few minutes to complete, but it could help you take action on a significant planning gap.

Quickly consider the following questions. Do you know the answers? If not, how can you be sure that your financial plan meets your needs and goals?

  • Is your investment portfolio’s risk profile in alignment with your risk tolerance?
  • Are you on track to hit your retirement savings target? Are you sure that you’re aiming for the correct target?
  • Do you have a tax strategy that works year-round?
  • Is your estate protected from taxes, probate, healthcare costs, and other threats?
  • Do you have a strategy that balances retirement planning and college funding?
  • Are you maximizing your compensation opportunities at work?

This is a sampling of some of the questions you’ll answer as you complete the Financial Fitness Self-Assessment. At the end, you’ll be able to calculate a quick score so you can see how you stack up against other investors.

The download is free and comes with no commitment. We think you’ll find it helpful. Don’t hesitate to contact us if you’d like to discuss your score or any of the questions raised in the assessment. Download your free copy of the Total Wealth Planning Financial Fitness Self Assessment today.