Awake at Night Worrying?

Do any of these concerns keep you awake at night?

  • How much money do I need to save for retirement?
  • How do I pay for my children’s college?
  • Will my money last through retirement?
  • When should I claim social security?
  • How do I pay for health insurance in retirement?
  • How does Medicare work?
  • Are there ways to reduce my taxes?
  • Can I afford to give to my favorite charities?
  • How do I talk with my grown children about the importance of saving?

At Total Wealth Planning we help our clients every day answer these important and at times stressful questions. Who’s helping you?
Financial planning is complex and requires the guidance of a trusted and experienced advisor, such as a fee-only Certified Financial Planner™ (CFP®), who plans comprehensively, and with a complete understanding of your particular concerns and goals in life.

For more information about the financial planning strategies we utilize, please contact Rob Lemmons, CPA, CFP® at 513-984-6696.

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